Monday, November 26, 2012

editorial 2: the justices overlook on health care.

The Supreme Court believes that the health care reform may violate religious freedoms. In our country freedom in religion is a big deal.  If something violates that amendment believe there will be those to fight against it. Right now there is a pending lawsuit from the private Liberty University. They claim that the taxpayer dollars would be used to fund abortions and contraception, one of the claims that Obama’s administration has rejected time and time again. I being Catholic strongly disagree with abortion. I believe a human is still alive. They have a heart. They are not just a piece of tissue you can cut and throw away. Reading that there could be a possibility that our taxpayer dollars could be funding them angers me. And I probably am not the only one.

The Supreme Court believes that the Affordable Care Act’s funding mechanism, requiring nearly all Americans to purchase health insurance or pay financial penalty. This then tossed out all the pending appeals. And so there is no indication when the appeal toward  whether  the lawsuit should be blocked on jurisdictional grounds by the three-judge panel of the 4th circuit U.S Court of Appeals in 2011 will be visited again since Liberty University has refilled a lawsuit. This lawsuit says objection to the law should be reconsidered due to the court’s 5-4 ruling which affirmed the overall law. The school believes that Americans should not be required to do such purchases. Especially if there are religious objections tied in with it. It doesn’t even have to be because of religion all you need is some moral standing about abortion.

 This is just one of the many pending lawsuits filed to challenge the law’s application since the decision made in June. All the Richmond-based appeal asks is for the Liberty University to have a legal argument. Not only are they not denying them from a chance to stand for their beliefs, The Obama administration did not object toward the university asking for another chance.

In the end my beliefs towards this still remain the same. I feel that our country should be more aware about what they use our tax money for if. Because then claims like this start appearing left and right. This is not good for our government and the president. If they want the people to follow them they have to look at everything from all spectrums. What I feel that these lawsuits are false. The last thing the government wants is to mess with the freedom of religion for the people. That right given to believe in their religion and the moral standing is a part of what this country has been built on. This is just another of people fighting for their rights as usual.

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