Friday, November 16, 2012

My Constructive criticism about a classmates editorial

Hi Veronica, I just have to say is that I as a male Hispanic find your thought in your editorial about how diversity in Congress agreeable. I for one believe that the best way to benefit the view points of the people towards our government. Like you said the Congress is for the people. Meaning more than just white males should be in congress. This huge change is a great improvement! I believe that we should be more diverse. It will help the nation because we will have a government that will think outside the box and in many viewpoints not just one. And that women being in congress will not only just try to strengthen American families but also provide leverage in our government. In my thoughts strong American families means a strong American government. This nation I believe is in dire need of leverage. Whether it’s due having more women and congress.  Or that we have a more diverse race in congress that would obviously help the people because like you said, “Congress should be made up of all kinds of people which will be able to represent their people”. That is what caught my eye the most because so true. What is the best way to improve a government other than provide it with the people. Ones who have lived in the same conditions. Who know the hardships that we the people are facing. I believe that if you have experienced it or lived it your opinion is much great than that of one who hasn’t and only lives his or her life on what the facts and statistics state. I agree with you that this such change is help us as a nation head towards the right direction.

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