Friday, November 9, 2012

Obama's thoughts about how to avoid another recession (editorial)

 Last week Obama spoke about the economy and the deficit Friday in the East Room of the White House. He was asking for higher taxes on the wealthy. And that those taxes would be a part of an agreement which would help us avoids a fiscal cliff. Yes I understand we just had an election but that doesn’t mean Obama is going to take a break. He won this election, which was unexpected by the republican, along with that the electoral college behind him it would seem that whatever Obama offers to Boehner it’s going to be hard for him to refuse the coming up tense negotiations over a deficit cutting deal. Obama wants the Republicans to agree to extend the middle-class tax cuts so it will expire next year so more discussion on averting the fiscal cliff can made to the point of where both parties can agree on. Take note that if this fiscal cliff went through we would have gone through another economic recession. On Friday Obama was clearly trying to put the pressure on republican to extend the middle-class tax cuts by stating that on Tuesday night it was obvious that Americans agreed with his approach and not Romney’s.  This also includes Democrats, Independents, and Republicans. He is pretty much pinning Republicans to the corner saying that if the taxes go up for middle-class earners and not raise taxes for the wealthy it will be their fault not his. I myself am totally for this. I believe Obama deserved this Second term. He has many big plans and 4 years was not enough for him to do so. How do people expect a man to clean up 8 years of mess in 4 years? Along with that there was a lot of “hate” between both parties. In Obama’s first term every time he tried to do something the Republicans instantly shut him down. Now he has them pinned against the wall saying this time it’s going to be my way. Not only that but on that same night Boehner stated that the American people made it clear that there is no mandate for raising tax rates. It seems that both Obama and Boehner can come to a common ground. But what they do with it we will not know until they are done. They’ll have a chance to discuss about this matter next Friday in the white house. Let’s just hope they come to a similar agreement.

1 comment:

  1. Ivan - I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to read my editorial I published last week? It’s titled “Extending the middleclass tax cuts!” Based on research I found online, the bill was approved bySenate, and now awaiting to be passed by the House. This is what you have stated as well in your editorial, but in different words. Obviously we are in agreement that Obama has a plan of action that will help the economy, but it will take some time to bring America back up to par.

    I just want to go into a little more detail about the specific issue going on: Extending the middle class tax cuts. As I stated prior to reading your blog, Tax cuts for the middle class are given on the first $250,000.00 income (per family). This is large amount of money per family, and it would definitely include smaller businesses. I think middle class tax cutswill benefit over half of America. The wealthy paying higher taxes sounds like it is somewhat of a balance affect.

    During Obama’s first term the Republicans took majority of the house. As a result, Obama had a difficult time passing some of his bills. I understand that both parties have a theory of how the government should run, but we are getting nowhere by working against each other. The Democrats and the Republicans must come to some type of agreement on certain issues, and work together as a team.
